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Employers should help workers struggling with child care during COVID-19

The media abounds with stories of how working parents across Canada are struggling with caring for their young children during the COVID-19 pandemic while daycares and schools closed or operated part-time.

So what is the responsibility of employers towards employees who have children during the pandemic? Are organizations responsible for their employees, and if so, what does this responsibility involve?

I examine these questions using the social connection model that the late Iris Marion Young, an American political theorist, developed in her book Responsibility for Justice.

Claudin Mangen. (2020). Employers should help workers struggling with child care during COVID-19. The Conversation.

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Employers should help workers struggling with child care during COVID-19

Gender Working Group

We meet online every month to discuss key issues, activities, opportunities and ideas for collaboration. We have a long and growing list of resources on gender and public health emergencies.

