The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent government response policies have significantly impacted the Canadian economy and lives of individuals. However, losses have not been equally felt. This brief spotlights the accommodation and food services (AFS) sector, particularly focusing on the impacts on women and immigrant workers.
The accommodation and food services (AFS) sector is an important player in the Canadian economy representing over 5% of the country’s employment share. The sector is, however, vulnerable to economic downturn, often being one of the most economically impacted during recessions, as has been the case during the COVID-19 pandemic. Women, and particularly recent immigrant women and mothers, working in the sector were disproportionately impacted by these effects in terms
of employment loss.
The purpose of this policy brief is to provide an analysis of the accommodation and food services sector’s gendered workforce dynamics, including the gender wage gap, and with a particular focus on immigrant women.
COVID-19 and Employment Loss in the Accommodation and Food Services Sector