This is a collection of resources from the Gender and Public Health Emergencies project and the Gender Working Group. You can search by year, country and type of resource. We hope you will enjoy reading this growing body of knowledge from around the world.
We have a wider collection of Gender and COVID-19 resources in this google document which is curated by Rosemary Morgan.
The economic crisis of unemployment and inequality consequent upon the Covid-19 pandemic is only just beginning. A recession and consequent job losses are inevitable. This is a bleak picture, but the Covid-19 pandemic has also catalysed a revaluation of our care, health and employment structures, exposing pre-existing problems. This is an important moment for transformative […]
This report looks at the key gendered impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on women in the UK, with a focus on the city of Coventry. It makes recommendations for a gender-sensitive approach to ‘building back better’ after the crisis. Covid-19 is a global public health crisis, which has already triggered an unparalleled socioeconomic crisis. Whist […]
Latest briefing by Women’s Budget Group. Fawcett Society, London School of Economics and Queen Mary University London shows that during lockdown a shocking six in ten disabled women are struggling to access necessities from the shops (63%), compared with 46% of non-disabled men 52% of non-disabled women. Six in ten disabled women also fear missing […]
On the 23 April, the UN Secretary General affirmed that COVID-19 is a defining moment in human history which must be tackled through unity and leadership and that we are only strong as our weakest health system. Indeed unity and responsible leadership is crucial in dealing with the pandemic and Europe had to learn this […]
In a powerfully-worded speech, Guterres called for major reform to the UN security council, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to target systemic inequalities revealed by the coronavirus pandemic. Guterres’ call is necessary because, although the UN can call for member states to act, it does not have the financial means of raising […]
The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic and the fallout from measures to control it have created the biggest global social and economic shock since the end of the Second World War. The virus has infected millions and killed hundreds of thousands of people. Its spread is accelerating. The health systems of the richest countries have […]
On the 11th March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic. Only four months into the unprecedented global health crisis, we have witnessed the spread of COVID-19 to nearly every corner of the world. The rapidly changing geography of the pandemic has uncovered many challenges that […]
We cannot afford to unsee domestic abuse after COVID-19—we need a world free from violence against women and children. In Almassora, near Valencia, Spain, a woman named Carina was stabbed to death by her husband in front of their two children on March 19—less than a week into the country’s lockdown. In Wilson Borough, Pennsylvania, […]
A gendered and political analysis of world leaders’ COVID-19 pandemic statements in March 2020. The first three months of 2020 have presented the world with an unexpected major challenge—the widespread transmission of a novel coronavirus and the pandemic disease COVID-19. This pandemic has tested social, health, and economic systems and has both revealed and deepened […]
The ongoing pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, the causal agent of the acute respiratory distress syndrome COVID-19, is placing unprecedented stress on healthcare systems and societies as a whole. The rapid spread of the virus in the absence of targeted therapies or a vaccine, is forcing countries to respond with strong preventative measures ranging from mitigation […]
Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guests: Dr Gary Barker CEO of Promundo- an organization that promotes healthy masculinity and gender equality; Dr Stephen Burrell Assistant Professor in the Dept of Sociology at Durham University – whose area of focus in on engaging men and boys in the prevention of violence against women. Today’s podcast features the first part of our […]
The Global Institute for Women’s Leadership has been among those looking at the varying impacts of the crisis on women and men. In a survey carried out in the third week of May, we found that men in the UK are more likely to think childcare is getting in the way of their jobs – […]
As COVID-19 exposes gaps in the world’s pandemic response infrastructure — and challenges our collective social, political, and economic systems — we are faced with an opportunity to tackle the defining issue undermining global health infrastructure: inequality. Pandemic response efforts are deeply undermined by fundamental gender inequities in the health workforce and wider society. Women […]
In this podcast we travel back to the 1980’s to learn about how early experiences of HIV stigma and LGBTQ stigma shaped the path that Dr. LaRon Nelson currently traverses regarding working to reduce multiple forms of stigma, including racism, LGBTQ stigma and HIV related stigma in diverse global contexts. We also discuss the importance […]
In this podcast we talk about gender power relationships, who has a seat at the table on COVID-19 leadership, and how gender inequities impact all of us. We discuss how intersectionality helps us to see the nuances of gender, race and linkages with health outcomes, how gender is fluid and dynamic, and the impact of […]
Millions of people have now been infected with COVID-19, with numbers increasing daily. As countries have implemented social distancing, quarantine and other community containment measures to limit the spread of the virus, data show higher infection rates and deaths among particular minorities. In the United States, African Americans have been disproportionately affected by the virus, […]
This study aims to analyze South Korea’s experience during the COVID-19 outbreak through a gendered lens. We briefly introduce the COVID-19 outbreak in Korea, scrutinize gendered vulnerability in contracting the virus, and then analyze the gendered aspects of the pandemic response in two phases: quarantine policy and mitigation policy. The authors elicit four lessons from […]
For better health security, it’s time to end gender biases that keep women out of global health leadership positions. Whenever a high-profile health emergency breaks out or an influential commission needs experts, it seems global health reverts to the default of delivered by women, led by men. The message seems to be Health emergency! Step […]
Ensuring the inclusion of marginalised women in fragile and conflict-affected states in COVID-19 prevention, response and recovery: The cracks in our systems have been brutally exposed. COVID-19 is amplifying inequalities and power disparities. Poverty, insecurity and gender-based violence are spiralling – and those who are already unheard and unseen will be hit the hardest. 2020 […]
A Call for Coordinated Global Action to Build Back Gender-Responsive Health Systems. There is a vibrant global movement of women in health actively organizing around COVID-19, sharing evidence and resources across borders in a spirit of sisterly solidarity. Women are the majority in health and social care. The expertise and the woman power is out […]
This is a collection of resources from the Gender and COVID-19 project and the Gender Working Group. You can search by year, country and type of resource. We hope you will enjoy reading this growing body of knowledge from around the world.
We have a wider collection of Gender and COVID-19 resources in this google document which is curated by Rosemary Morgan.
The economic crisis of unemployment and inequality consequent upon the Covid-19 pandemic is only just beginning. A recession and consequent job losses are inevitable. This is a bleak picture, but the Covid-19 pandemic has also catalysed a revaluation of our care, health and employment structures, exposing pre-existing problems. This is an important moment for transformative […]
This report looks at the key gendered impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on women in the UK, with a focus on the city of Coventry. It makes recommendations for a gender-sensitive approach to ‘building back better’ after the crisis. Covid-19 is a global public health crisis, which has already triggered an unparalleled socioeconomic crisis. Whist […]
Latest briefing by Women’s Budget Group. Fawcett Society, London School of Economics and Queen Mary University London shows that during lockdown a shocking six in ten disabled women are struggling to access necessities from the shops (63%), compared with 46% of non-disabled men 52% of non-disabled women. Six in ten disabled women also fear missing […]
On the 23 April, the UN Secretary General affirmed that COVID-19 is a defining moment in human history which must be tackled through unity and leadership and that we are only strong as our weakest health system. Indeed unity and responsible leadership is crucial in dealing with the pandemic and Europe had to learn this […]
In a powerfully-worded speech, Guterres called for major reform to the UN security council, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to target systemic inequalities revealed by the coronavirus pandemic. Guterres’ call is necessary because, although the UN can call for member states to act, it does not have the financial means of raising […]
The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic and the fallout from measures to control it have created the biggest global social and economic shock since the end of the Second World War. The virus has infected millions and killed hundreds of thousands of people. Its spread is accelerating. The health systems of the richest countries have […]
On the 11th March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic. Only four months into the unprecedented global health crisis, we have witnessed the spread of COVID-19 to nearly every corner of the world. The rapidly changing geography of the pandemic has uncovered many challenges that […]
We cannot afford to unsee domestic abuse after COVID-19—we need a world free from violence against women and children. In Almassora, near Valencia, Spain, a woman named Carina was stabbed to death by her husband in front of their two children on March 19—less than a week into the country’s lockdown. In Wilson Borough, Pennsylvania, […]
A gendered and political analysis of world leaders’ COVID-19 pandemic statements in March 2020. The first three months of 2020 have presented the world with an unexpected major challenge—the widespread transmission of a novel coronavirus and the pandemic disease COVID-19. This pandemic has tested social, health, and economic systems and has both revealed and deepened […]
The ongoing pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, the causal agent of the acute respiratory distress syndrome COVID-19, is placing unprecedented stress on healthcare systems and societies as a whole. The rapid spread of the virus in the absence of targeted therapies or a vaccine, is forcing countries to respond with strong preventative measures ranging from mitigation […]
Host: Jeannette Wolfe Guests: Dr Gary Barker CEO of Promundo- an organization that promotes healthy masculinity and gender equality; Dr Stephen Burrell Assistant Professor in the Dept of Sociology at Durham University – whose area of focus in on engaging men and boys in the prevention of violence against women. Today’s podcast features the first part of our […]
The Global Institute for Women’s Leadership has been among those looking at the varying impacts of the crisis on women and men. In a survey carried out in the third week of May, we found that men in the UK are more likely to think childcare is getting in the way of their jobs – […]
As COVID-19 exposes gaps in the world’s pandemic response infrastructure — and challenges our collective social, political, and economic systems — we are faced with an opportunity to tackle the defining issue undermining global health infrastructure: inequality. Pandemic response efforts are deeply undermined by fundamental gender inequities in the health workforce and wider society. Women […]
In this podcast we travel back to the 1980’s to learn about how early experiences of HIV stigma and LGBTQ stigma shaped the path that Dr. LaRon Nelson currently traverses regarding working to reduce multiple forms of stigma, including racism, LGBTQ stigma and HIV related stigma in diverse global contexts. We also discuss the importance […]
In this podcast we talk about gender power relationships, who has a seat at the table on COVID-19 leadership, and how gender inequities impact all of us. We discuss how intersectionality helps us to see the nuances of gender, race and linkages with health outcomes, how gender is fluid and dynamic, and the impact of […]
Millions of people have now been infected with COVID-19, with numbers increasing daily. As countries have implemented social distancing, quarantine and other community containment measures to limit the spread of the virus, data show higher infection rates and deaths among particular minorities. In the United States, African Americans have been disproportionately affected by the virus, […]
This study aims to analyze South Korea’s experience during the COVID-19 outbreak through a gendered lens. We briefly introduce the COVID-19 outbreak in Korea, scrutinize gendered vulnerability in contracting the virus, and then analyze the gendered aspects of the pandemic response in two phases: quarantine policy and mitigation policy. The authors elicit four lessons from […]
For better health security, it’s time to end gender biases that keep women out of global health leadership positions. Whenever a high-profile health emergency breaks out or an influential commission needs experts, it seems global health reverts to the default of delivered by women, led by men. The message seems to be Health emergency! Step […]
Ensuring the inclusion of marginalised women in fragile and conflict-affected states in COVID-19 prevention, response and recovery: The cracks in our systems have been brutally exposed. COVID-19 is amplifying inequalities and power disparities. Poverty, insecurity and gender-based violence are spiralling – and those who are already unheard and unseen will be hit the hardest. 2020 […]
A Call for Coordinated Global Action to Build Back Gender-Responsive Health Systems. There is a vibrant global movement of women in health actively organizing around COVID-19, sharing evidence and resources across borders in a spirit of sisterly solidarity. Women are the majority in health and social care. The expertise and the woman power is out […]